- hon
- 很甚
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
Hon — HON, Hon, or hon can refer to:HON * the International Olympic Committee s country code for Honduras. (Note that this code is not compliant with the three letter ISO 3166 1 alpha 3 country code for Honduras, which is HND. * the IATA airport code… … Wikipedia
hon — (hon) interj. Cri de mécontentement. Quelquefois il se répète et s emploie pour marquer la surprise, l irrésolution. • Hon ! hon ! il a remis là à payer ses créanciers ?, MOL. Pourc. II, 3. • Hon, hon, vous êtes un méchant diable, MOL.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
hon — ⇒HON, interj. Vx. [Marquait divers affects tels que le mécontentement, le doute, l étonnement] Madame d Ermel : Généralement, on est très ingrat envers Dieu. Jacobus : Hon! Hon! Madame d Ermel : Est ce que vous niez cela, monsieur? Jacobus : Eh… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hon|ey — «HUHN ee», noun, plural hon|eys, adjective, verb, hon|eyed or hon|ied, hon|ey|ing. –n. 1. a thick, sweet, yellow or golden liquid, good to eat, that b … Useful english dictionary
hon. — hon. hon. also Hon. written abbreviation for honorary: • Mrs M Grattan, Hon Treasurer, Management Committee * * * hon. UK US (also Hon.) adjective ► ABBREVIATION for … Financial and business terms
hon — HON, honuri, s.n. Sculă aşchietoare alcătuită dintr un corp rotativ de oţel pe care sunt fixate mai multe pietre abrazive şi care este utilizată la finisarea suprafeţelor cilindrice interioare ale pieselor metalice. – Din engl. hone. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
HON — ist die Abkürzung für: das olympische Länderkürzel für Honduras die Stiftung Health On the Net Foundation den höchsten Status (HON Circle Member) bei Miles More, dem Vielfliegerprogramm der Lufthansa das Online Spiel Heroes of Newerth Honorar… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hon. — Hon. also Hon BrE 1.) the written abbreviation of honourable ▪ the Hon George Borwick 2.) BrE the written abbreviation of honorary , used in official job titles ▪ the Hon. Treasurer … Dictionary of contemporary English
Hon. — Hon. also Hon BrE 1.) the written abbreviation of honourable ▪ the Hon George Borwick 2.) BrE the written abbreviation of honorary , used in official job titles ▪ the Hon. Treasurer … Dictionary of contemporary English
Hon. — Hon. is an abbreviation of (1) honourable, especially in parliamentary contexts (The Hon. Member for Lincoln) and as a courtesy title given to sons and daughters of members of the nobility and to civic dignitaries such as the Lord Mayor of London … Modern English usage
hon´or|ar´i|ly — hon|or|ar|y «ON uh REHR ee», adjective, noun, plural ar|ies. –adj. 1. given or done as an honor: »The university will award honorary degrees to three prominent scientists. The simple crown of olive, an honorary reward (George Grote). 2. as an… … Useful english dictionary