- kiru
- 旗
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
Kiru — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name Kiru Country and Admin Code NG.29.7871261 NG … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
Kirų Uolos ežeras — Sp Kirų Uolõs ẽžeras Ap Gullrock Lake L Kanadoje (Ontarijo p ja) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Kirų ežeras — Sp Kirų ẽžeras Ap Gull Lake L JAV (Minesota); Kanadoje (Alberta) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
kirü — geri, arka, III, 65, 245, 246 … Divan-i Luqat-i it-Türk Dizini
Kommunale Informationsverarbeitung Reutlingen-Ulm (KIRU) — KIRU Unternehmensdaten Name Zweckverband Kommunale Informationsverarbeitung Reutlingen Ulm (KIRU) Hauptverwaltung Ulm Unternehmensform Zweckverband Unternehmensleitung Manfred Allgaier Gründungsdatum 1. Januar 2002 Mitarbeiter … Deutsch Wikipedia
Edo o Kiru — (江戸を斬る) was a popular jidaigeki on Japan s Tokyo Broadcasting System. During the decades from its September 24, 1973 premiere until the July 25, 1994 finale, 214 episodes aired. It lasted through eight series, with several casts and settings. It… … Wikipedia
Sanbiki ga Kiru! — is a group of seven television jidaigeki series broadcast by TV Asahi in Japan. The show aired in the Thursday evening eight o clock time slot. The title characters are three men who wander throughout Japan in the late Edo period. In each episode … Wikipedia
kirulis — kirùlis sm. (2) 1. kablys viralui maišyti: Įdėjau į pečių puodą – paimk kirùlį ir maišyk, kad nepridegtų Jž. 2. įrankis, kuriuo sulaikomas arba atleidžiamas audeklas nuo veleno: Išsiklibino labai didelės kirùly skylės, ir atsileidinėja… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Kirundi — Kirụndi, afrikanische Sprache, Rundi … Universal-Lexikon
Chaotic (TV series) — Chaotic Genre Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy Format Animated television series Created by Martin Rauff Developed by Norman J. Grossfeld Michael Haigney … Wikipedia
Bikini Planet — is a science fiction comedy written by David S. Garnett and released exclusively in the UK as a paperback. It is written as a sub sequel to an earlier story written by Garnett in 1994, entitled Stargonauts , which features the some of the same… … Wikipedia