- sebe saba
- 稀稀落落的样子淅淅沥沥
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
List of numbers in various languages — The following tables list the names and symbols for the numbers 0 through 10 in various languages and scripts of the world. Where possible, each language s native writing system is used, along with transliterations in Latin script and other… … Wikipedia
septm̥ (*sek̂ʷh-) — septm̥ (*sek̂ʷh ) English meaning: seven Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘sieben” Note: Root septm̥ (*sek̂ʷh ) : seven derived from a mutated Root su̯ek̂s, sek̂s, ksek̂s, ksu̯ek̂s, u̯ek̂s (: uk̂s) : six; common Gk. celt. kʷ > p, gʷ >… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary