- suhe
- 斧头纸锞
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
Suhe — 1 Original name in latin Suhe Name in other language Suhe, su he State code CN Continent/City Asia/Chongqing longitude 34.0625 latitude 105.2221 altitude 1810 Population 0 Date 2012 01 19 2 Original name in latin Suhe Name in other language Suhe … Cities with a population over 1000 database
súh — a o tudi ó prid. (ȗ ú) 1. ki ni polit ali prepojen z vodo ali drugo tekočino, ant. moker: obrisati kaj s suho krpo; preobleči se v suho obleko; ceste so že suhe; suha drva rada gorijo; perilo je že suho; prst je suha kot poper / domov je prišel… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
He Shikai — (和士開) (524 571), courtesy name Yantong (彥通), was an official of the Chinese dynasty Northern Qi. He was a close associate of Emperor Wucheng (Gao Dan) prior to Emperor Wucheng s ascension to the throne, and he became a powerful official (and… … Wikipedia
Suhbaatar — Original name in latin Shbaatar Name in other language Suehbaatar, Suhbaatar, Suhe Baatar, Suhe Batar, Sukhbaatar, Sukhe Batur, Sukhe Bator, Sukheh Bator, Shbaatar, She Baatar, She Batar, Skhbaatar, Сухэ Батор, Схбаатар State code MN… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
júžina — e ž (ú) 1. nar. kosilo: kuhati južino; prinesti južino na mizo / kupiti meso za južino / biti, ostati pri južini 2. nar. malica: nesti južino na travnik; dati delavcem zajtrk, južino in kosilo; vzeti kos kruha za južino / mala južina popoldanska… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Emperor Daowu of Northern Wei — ((北)魏道武帝) (371 409), personal name Tuoba Gui (拓拔珪), né Tuoba Shegui (拓拔渉珪), was the founding emperor of the Chinese/Xianbei dynasty Northern Wei. He was the grandson of the last prince of Dai, Tuoba Shiyijian, and after the fall of the Dai state… … Wikipedia
Murong De — (Nan) Yan Xianwudi ((南)燕獻武帝) Family name: Murong (慕容, mù róng) Given name: Initially De (德, dé), later Beide (備德, bèi dé) (changed 400) Temple name: Shizong (世宗, shì zōng) … Wikipedia
Change of Xianbei names to Han names — The Change of Xianbei family names to Han names was part of a larger sinicization campaign.[1][2] It was at its peak intensity under Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei dynasty in 496.[2] Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Zong Ai — (宗愛) (died 452) was a eunuch who briefly came to great power in the Chinese/Xianbei dynasty Northern Wei in 452 after assassinating Emperor Taiwu and making his son Tuoba Yu emperor.Little is known about Zong s career prior to 451. What is known… … Wikipedia
Emperor Taizong's campaign against Tuyuhun — Emperor Taizong of Tang (r. 626 649), the second emperor of Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, throughout most of his reign, faced challenges from Tang s western neighbor, the state of Tuyuhun, whose Busabuo Khan Murong Fuyun constantly challenged… … Wikipedia
Murong Nuohebo — (慕容諾曷鉢) (died 688), regal title Wudiyebaledou Khan (烏地也拔勒豆可汗) or, in short, Ledou Khan (勒豆可汗), Tang Dynasty noble title Prince of Qinghai (青海王), was the last khan of the Xianbei/Qiang/Tibetan state Tuyuhun. He had become khan in 635 after his… … Wikipedia