- tarcan
- 铅
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
tarcan — TARCÁN s. v. cocoş de munte, cocoş sălbatic. Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime … Dicționar Român
Тарджан Б. — (Tarcan) Бюлент (р. 23 VIII 1914, Стамбул) турецкий композитор. С 9 лет обучался игре на скрипке у К. Бергера. Учился в Анкарском, затем Измирском лицеях. С 1931 занимался одноврем. на медицинском ф те Стамбульского ун та (окончил в 1937) … Музыкальная энциклопедия
Comité national olympique turc — Le Comité olympique national turc (Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi, TMOK en turc) a été créé en 1908 sous l impulsion de Selim Sırrı Tarcan et reconnu par le Comité international olympique en 1912. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Présidents du comité 3 … Wikipédia en Français
Kırkpınar — is the name of a Turkish oil wrestling ( tr. yağlı güreş) tournament. It is held annually, usually in late June, near Edirne, Turkey. History Oldest known evidence The history of oil wrestling links straight back to 2650 BC with evidence both… … Wikipedia
Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day — 19 May the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day[1] (Turkish: 19 Mayıs Atatürk ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı) or simply Youth Day (Gençlik Bayramı), is an annual Turkish national holiday celebrated on May 19 to commemorate Mustafa… … Wikipedia
Ulf Hoelscher — (Bildmitte) anlässlich eines Konzerts in der Bonner Beethovenhalle (1987) Ulf Hoelscher (* 17. Januar 1942 in Kitzingen (Unterfranken)) ist ein deutscher Violinvirtuose … Deutsch Wikipedia
De Pippini regis Victoria Avarica — Rythmus (or Carmen) de Pippini regis Victoria Avarica[1] ( Poem [song] of king Pippin s Avar victory ), also known by its incipit as Omnes gentes qui fecisti ( All peoples whom you created ), is a medieval Latin encomium celebrating the victory… … Wikipedia
Bursa — Infobox Settlement settlement type = subdivision type = Country subdivision name = TUR timezone=EET utc offset=+2 map caption =Location of PAGENAME within Turkey. timezone DST=EEST utc offset DST=+3official name = Bursa image caption = image… … Wikipedia
Tarkhan — This article is about Tarkhan, an ancient Turkic title. For other uses, see Tarkan and Darkhan Tarkhan (Old Turkic Tarqan;[1] Mongolian: Darkhan;[2][3] Persian: ترخان; Chinese: 達干; Arabic: طرخان; a … Wikipedia
Sabancı family — The Sabancı family is a dynasty of Turkish businesspeople founded by Hacı Ömer Sabancı, a self made wealthy trader. Some second and third generation members of the family control today Turkey’s second largest and prestigious group of companies,… … Wikipedia
Wheel of Fortune (game show) in different countries — The Wheel of Fortune has had a number of versions in different countries:Australia Main articles: Wheel of Fortune (Australian game show) and Million Dollar Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune has had a long history in Australia, with the original… … Wikipedia