- barun
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锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
barun — bàrūn (bàrōn) m <G barúna> DEFINICIJA 1. pov. plemićki naslov nižega ranga, u hijerarhijskom redu stoji između nižeg plemića i grofa 2. žarg. vrlo moćna osoba koja kontrolira veliku industriju, medije i sl. SINTAGMA barun regni (izg. barun… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Barun De — (born October 30, 1932) is an Indian historian whose main area of research is Modern India. He has specialised in the social and economic history of India in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Bengal Renaissance Movement, and British… … Wikipedia
bàrūn — (bàrōn) m (barùnica ž) 〈G barúna〉 1. {{001f}}pov. plemićki naslov nižega ranga; tokom razvitka feudalizma dobiva različito značenje u pojedinim zemljama; u hijerarhijskom redu stoji između nižeg plemića i grofa 2. {{001f}}žarg. vrlo moćna osoba… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Barun — Original name in latin Barun Name in other language Balong, Balong Xiang, Barun, Yike Gaoli, ba long, ba long xiang, yi ke gao li State code CN Continent/City Asia/Urumqi longitude 35.92907 latitude 97.41575 altitude 3279 Population 0 Date 2013… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Barun Apartments — (Шибеник,Хорватия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Podsolarsko 66, 22000 … Каталог отелей
Barun Roy — (born November 4, 1977) is a prolific Indian [http://www.writers.net/writers/30754 writer] and journalist [http://www.beacononline.wordpress.com Beacon Online] , who was educated at Darjeeling and Chennai. The first book authored by Roy was… … Wikipedia
Barun Mukherjee — a politician from All India Forward Bloc is presently a Member of the Parliament of India representing West Bengal in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament.External links* [… … Wikipedia
Barun Sengupta — Infobox Writer name = Barun Sengupta caption = Barun Sengupta birthdate = birth date|1934|1|23|df=y birthplace = Barisal, British India deathdate = death date and age|2008|6|19|1934|1|23|df=y deathplace = Kolkata, West Bengal, India occupation =… … Wikipedia
Barun Goyot Formation — The Barun Goyot Formation, dating from the Late Cretaceous Period, is located within and is widely represented in the Gobi Desert basin, in the Ömnögovi Province of Mongolia.It was previously known as the Lower Nemegt Beds , occurring beneath the … Wikipedia
Barun Roy — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Roy. Barun Roy (né le 4 novembre 1977) est un écrivain indien prolifique[1] et un journaliste[2] , qui a été instruit à Darjeeling et à Chennai. Le premier livre a rédigé par Roy était Por … Wikipédia en Français
Barun — Das Wort Burun bezeichnet eine Sprache in Afrika, siehe Burun (Sprache), eine afrikanische Volksgruppe, siehe Burun (Volk) … Deutsch Wikipedia