- beri
- 弓
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
Beri — Ajouter une image Administration Nom cyrillique Бери Pays Montenegro !Monténégro Municipalit … Wikipédia en Français
Beri — kann bezeichnen: eine Sprache in Sudan, Bari (Sprache) Business Environmental Risk Index, BERI Index Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Beri'ah — Beri ah, or Briyah (also known as Olam Briyah, עולם בריאה in Hebrew, literally World of Creation), is the second of four worlds in the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is known as the world of creation. In western occultism, each of the sephirah in… … Wikipedia
beri — be|ri |be|ri Mot Pla Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
bēri- — *bēri , *bēriz, *bæ̅ri , *bæ̅riz germ., Adjektiv: Verweis: s. *bēra s. bēra ; … Germanisches Wörterbuch
Beri — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction native name = Beri | type = city | latd = | longd = state name = Haryana district = Jhajjar leader title = leader name = altitude = population as of = 2001 population total = 16,146| population density = area magnitude … Wikipedia
beri — ber·beri; beri·beri; beri·beri; … English syllables
beri — is. 1) Konuşanın önündeki iki uzaklıktan kendisine daha yakın olanı Biraz beriye geliniz. 2) sf. Bu uzaklıkta bulunan Ağaçlardan, karanlığın beri tarafına doğru bir nehir akışı var. S. F. Abasıyanık 3) e. den bu yana Kar sabahtan beri yağmıştı. S … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Beri — This name is of English topographic or locational origin deriving from the Olde English pre 7th century byrig , the dative case of burh meaning a fortified place . The Medieval English beri , biri and buri denoted a fortified manor house and was… … Surnames reference
BERI — Abk. für Business Environment Risk Intelligence; drei spezielle Informationsdienste der BERI S.A. (Genf): 1. Business Risk Service (BRS): Ein ⇡ Panel, in das ein ständiges Gremium von rund 100 internationalen Experten mit Ländererfahrung und… … Lexikon der Economics
Beri — Sp Beri nkt. Ap Berry L kraštovaizdis C Prancūzijoje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė