- birgan
- 小河沟溪
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
forb — /fawrb/, n. any herb that is not a grass or grasslike. [1920 25; < Gk phorbé food, fodder, deriv. of phérbein to feed; akin to OE beorgan, birgan to taste, eat, ON bergja to taste] * * * … Universalium
beorgan — beorgan1 1. sv/t3 w.d. 3rd pres biergþ past bearg/burgon ptp geborgen to save, deliver, preserve, guard, defend, fortify, spare; w.refl.d. beware of, avoid, guard against; 2. see birgan … Old to modern English dictionary
byrgan — 1 1. wv/t1b to raise a mound, hide, bury, inter; 2. see birgan; 3. see beorgan … Old to modern English dictionary
forb — ˈfȯrb noun ( s) Etymology: Greek phorbē fodder, food, from pherbein to graze, pasture; akin to Old English beorgan, birgan to taste, eat, Old Norse bergja to taste : an herb other than grass : a broadleaf herb : weed … Useful english dictionary