- buha
- 大渠
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
锡汉教学词典. 2009.
buha — bùha ž <D L i, G mn búhā> DEFINICIJA zool. sitan kukac koji se hrani krvlju ljudi i životinja, velik je broj vrsta, pripadaju redu Syphonapt rodova: Pulex, Xenopsylla, Tunga i dr.; čovječja buha (P. irritans) sve je rjeđa i ob. je molestant … Hrvatski jezični portal
buhă — BÚHĂ, buhe, s.f. 1. (ornit.) Bufniţă. 2. (entom.; în compusele) Buha semănăturilor = fluture mic de noapte, de culoare cenuşie, care dăunează semănăturilor (Agrotis segetum); buha verzei = fluture nocturn de culoare cenuşie, ale cărui larve… … Dicționar Român
bùha — bùh|a ž 〈D L i, G mn búhā〉 zool. sitan kukac koji se hrani krvlju ljudi i životinja, velik je broj vrsta, pripadaju redu Syphonapt rodova: Pulex, Xenopsylla, Tunga i dr.; čovječja buha (P. irritans) sve je rjeđa i ob. je molestant ∆ {{001f}}sajam … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Buha River — Geobox River name = Buha River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state = state1 =… … Wikipedia
búhã — s. f., g. d. art. búhei; pl. búhe … Romanian orthography
Büha — Büham Büstenhalter.Hierausverkürzt.1920/30ff … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
Boško Buha — Buste de Boško Buha à Jabuka Surnom Rada Naissance … Wikipédia en Français
Mémorial de Boško Buha — Présentation Nom local Меморијални комплекс Бошко Буха Memorijalni kompleks Boško Buha Destination actuelle Mémorial Protection Monument culturel d importance exceptionnelle … Wikipédia en Français
Boško Buha — (1926 1943) was a young Partisan who used to be one of the greatest icons of World War II in the former Yugoslavia.Fact|date=June 2008Boško Buha was born in the Slavonian village of Gradina (near Virovitica) in an ethnic Serb family. In 1941,… … Wikipedia
Aljoša Buha — Aljosa Buha (1961 18 September, 1986) is a former Yoguslav musician best known for having played in two bands: Kongress , and Crvena Jabuka .In 1979 Buha formed Kongres (Congress) as bassist/lead singer. He stayed with them until about 1983 when… … Wikipedia
buhalteris — buhalteris, ė smob. (1) TrpŽ asmuo, tvarkantis buhalterijos reikalus … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language